A lovely Saturday spent at the Kingdom of Fife Dog Agility Show held at the Lomond Centre in Glenrothes.
I was shooting event photographs of the agility, and also got to see my own dog Nevis competing. Nevis is an old hand at modelling (if not agility) – he always has his eye on the camera.
With the nice weather, there was loads of light and so for a change I wasn’t having to shoot at the limits for my camera. This gave me the flexibility to get a really high shutter speed to freeze the dog’s movements (about 1/1000 of a second), yet keep a decent aperture (f5.6-8) to ensure a reasonable depth of field.

There is a bit of a trade-off with depth of field when photographing dog agility though – more is great because you will get more dogs in focus at the critical point of the jump. The downside is that all the extraneous background clutter (other jumps, spectators etc) also has more chance of being in focus and distracting from the subject.

The small dogs are amazing to watch – they seem to jump many multiples of their own height.
In between classes, I managed to fit in a few quick portrait sessions – this one with a proud dad and three of his pups..