Photos in The Independent
The sales report from my stock agency today highlighted two images sold for a UK newspaper usage. The reports usually don’t include the name of the client, and can be a bit vague on dates of usage, but after a bit of digging around on the web I managed to track them down to the The Independent on Saturday 10th January.
These shots were taken at an ice-climbing competition, the Gorzderette, in Champangy-le-haut, France. Myself and Neil were taking part for most of the day, but there was still plenty of time for pictures. The two the paper have chosen are not actually my favourites – I prefer this one:
When I was at Uni The Independent was my favourite paper, and it was my greatest ambition to get some photos in the paper – it was then at the pinnacle of classy photo-journalism. I think their standards have dropped some since then, but still – another ambition ticked! Unfortunately now that I’ve had a lot of photos published over the years, my first thought was not
‘Wow, I’ve got a picture in The Independent‘
it was more
‘Wow, The Independent doesn’t pay much, does it?’